Manhattan Traveling Notary is a Notary Service in New York, NY 10016

We can call all international phone numbers!We have unlimited phone service to Europe and Russia, so we have the capabilities to call you back.

Welcome to Manhattan Traveling Notary, your most professional, fast, and convenient mobile and traveling notary in New York, NY and the surrounding counties. As a notary public, I can facilitate legal document signing by authenticating signatures and identities. If you require mobile notary services, please enlist my capable assistance. My services include general notary services, notarizing wills, divorce papers, powers of attorney, and trust papers. I also provide apostille service, visa notary, private notary, commercial notary, immigration notary, corporate notary, real estate notary, and other document signing services. If you are an employer who hires skilled workers from foreign nations, I can swear you in or have you affirm the truthfulness of your statements on your applications for H1B or H2B or any worker category for the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service.

Services by Manhattan Traveling Notary:

  • Notary Service
  • Business Contracts
  • Powers of Attorney
  • Divorce Papers
  • Wills
  • Trusts
  • Passport Applications
  • Apostilles
  • Immigration Application Papers
  • Employers applications to obtain skilled worker visas for foreign employees
  • Tourist Visas
  • Legal Residency Applications

I have been providing residents and business owners in and around the area with the highest quality customer care, offering respect, trust, dedication, integrity, and a commitment to exceeding the all of their expectations. I strive to acquire 100% customer satisfaction by conveniently coming to their location of choice and offering a wide range of business hours. Whenever you need me, I am up and ready to provide you with notary services that you deserve. With prompt assistance, professional demeanor and substantial experience, you can be confident that Manhattan Traveling Notary will provide results you can rely on. So go ahead and take advantage of my reliable and fast mobile notary services by booking an appointment now! For inquiries, please contact Manhattan Traveling Notary today.

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What Makes Us Proud
  • Notaries Opened 7 Days A Week Until 10:00 PM
  • Professional, Reliable, Quality Service, Affordable
  • Urgent Need For Notary At Hospital (Will Accommodate Within 1-2 Hours)
Locations Served
  • New York, NY
  • Surrounding Areas